“You Will Have A Big Impact In People’s Lives”

Little did I know when I was seven-years-old, as I stood barefoot in the driveway of my parent’s cattle ranch watching them drive away to take my beloved aunt to the state mental hospital; I heard the words, “Some day you will have a big impact in people’s lives,” that I would be working with people in their healing process – albeit, I have my shoes on. Many messages guided me through the turbulence and vicissitudes of life. And through it all I made a big impact in people’s lives as you have.

Create Your Desires – Align With The Universe’s Energy

When you use the radio as a metaphor for sending and receiving information, you can tune into any station you choose. Thus, you will experience a dramatic shift in the programming and your experience. When you are misaligned with the energy frequency of your desires it creates energy instability and you are working against Universal Laws, which make your success difficult, if not impossible.