What exactly is an empath, and how do I find balance being an empath? My therapist concluded I am an empath and it is spot-on, but it is crippling me socially

While Empaths will embody the emotions, experiences, and relational energy of others. This means that you not only feel what you are sensing, feeling, and intuiting, you often have intel on how you can untangle your circumstances and improve your life. When Empaths heal themselves and get beyond their egos, they can become emotional superheroes.

Silence -The Ultimate Control and Power Over Another

Silence a.k.a. Withholding is the most damaging and hurtful form of verbal abuse. One might think that in order for the behavior to be considered verbal abusive words need to be spoken. This misunderstanding of verbal abuse adds to the recipient’s confusion within the relationship. The recipient of silence/withholding may believe the relationship is functional because the abuser may communicate functional information, but refuses–through silence/withholding (non-responsive)–to communicate on an intimate level.