“You Will Have A Big Impact In People’s Lives”

Little did I know when I was seven-years-old, as I stood barefoot in the driveway of my parent’s cattle ranch watching them drive away to take my beloved aunt to the state mental hospital; I heard the words, “Some day you will have a big impact in people’s lives,” that I would be working with people in their healing process – albeit, I have my shoes on. Many messages guided me through the turbulence and vicissitudes of life. And through it all I made a big impact in people’s lives as you have.

Use Your Imagination

You no doubt have heard the axiom, ‘Use your imagination.’ Imagination is the act or power of forming a mental image of what one wants to create or use to deal with an issue that needs to be resolved: resourcefulness. This common definition seems trite and uninspiring. To a large degree this is true, because, the reality is: