Are Your Emotions Making You Sick? – There Is A Solution

Medical studies have revealed that your emotions and stress affect your physical health. In the realm of metaphysics all physical symptoms are a manifestation of emotional dis-ease/distress. There is a mental and emotional cause for each and every medical diagnosis and there is a metaphysical way to heal them. This article sets forth the healing protocol for all physical symptoms.

Do You Over Indulge Your Child(ren) With Possessions and Things?

Do you wonder why you feel the urge to buy your child(ren) toys that they seldom play with or are soon bored with? When you take the time to question your propensity to give your child(ren) new toys and clothes frequently – weekly, biweekly or daily, you will find that you have an internal sense of lack. Thus, you are buying things for your child(ren) to fill up your own empty feelings and pain. If you feel yourself wanting to indulge your child with material possessions, take a moment and go within to see if you can sense where your motivation is truly coming from.

Decisions Are Fundamental To Creating

Do you ever wonder why your results do not reflect your intentions? Do you ask yourself why manifesting doesn’t work for you? The answer is simple and complex: Your thoughts may carry discordant energy from your past and current life. Your discordant thoughts might be worry and/or ambivalence, ‘What if…?’ ‘I don’t know for sure….’ ‘If only….’ ‘Maybe…..’ ‘When I get around to it…’or the worst choice/decision is not choosing/deciding. Not choosing/ deciding is making a choice/decision. If you are struggling with choosing/decision making, there is a solution to the dilemma.