Easiest Weight Reduction and Weight Maintenance Plan

Oprah’s O magazine published the benefits of using hypnosis for weight reduction. Good Housekeeping, Reader’s Digest, Sports Illustrated, Red Book, Psychology Today, Ladies Home Journal and many magazines continue to publish the benefits of utilizing hypnosis for personal change. Once informed about hypnosis, you will know that it is safe, natural, and very effective. No pills, potions, meetings, or body parts cut out. Hypnosis works.

Super Size Me – Child Obesity Epidemic

In the inaugural issue of a health magazine, which is dedicated to consumers with education supporting safe and healthy living; one article title grabbed my attention: Obesity Epidemic Confronting Our Youth.

While I agree child obesity is epidemic, the article title implies that obesity is a sinister monster lurking in the grocery store or the home environment diabolically grabbing innocent children; wrestling them to the ground and forcing junk food down their throats. Obesity is a family lifestyle – nothing more; nothing less. Children eat what their parents buy.

Karma – Is It Haunting You?

Is Karma coming back to haunt you? Are you allowing Karma to be a Self punishing experience? Do you believe that no matter what you do Karma is your fate because you were not meant to have a great life?

These are the million dollar questions you need to ask your Self. Is Karma a debilitating Belief System that keeps you in an endless loop of punishment? So what is that about? Is Karma about Self punishment? Is Karma about a continuous continuing continuum of sentencing your Self to Self-Retribution? If this is what works for you, then, ‘enjoy’ it. Are the ramifications of the not being worthy, not good enough and not smart enough syndrome the pay off to being less than perfect?