Are Your Beliefs About Abundance Blocking Your Spiritual Rights?

The pious and maybe even self-righteous perspective that one cannot obtain enlightenment and have abundance simultaneously continues to entangle spiritual seekers world wide. It is perplexing when one considers this toxic idea that if a person is spiritual they cannot also be prosperous. How exactly does one obtain spiritual enlightenment without overcoming limited thinking that binds and diminishes? The belief that enlightenment and abundance are polar opposites binds and diminishes.

Karma – Is It Haunting You?

Is Karma coming back to haunt you? Are you allowing Karma to be a Self punishing experience? Do you believe that no matter what you do Karma is your fate because you were not meant to have a great life?

These are the million dollar questions you need to ask your Self. Is Karma a debilitating Belief System that keeps you in an endless loop of punishment? So what is that about? Is Karma about Self punishment? Is Karma about a continuous continuing continuum of sentencing your Self to Self-Retribution? If this is what works for you, then, ‘enjoy’ it. Are the ramifications of the not being worthy, not good enough and not smart enough syndrome the pay off to being less than perfect?

Spiritual Myths

We live in an era in which misinformation travels around the world in seconds before truth has an opportunity to be determined. Prior to the advent of the Internet and instant communication among the masses simultaneously (Face Book, Twitter, etc.), people checked and rechecked facts before disseminating information. Given this fact it is important for each person to distinguish truth from misinformation, because if not, those who do not check will fall for anything and everything.

Step Off the Hamster Wheel – Step Into Your Soul’s Desires

One of the difficult things in life is feeling stuck in a situation you do not like and want to change, but, don’t know how. You may have exhausted yourself looking for ways to create change, and you may have given up. However, each day offers an opportunity to renew your resolve and the opportunity to declare to yourself and the Universe that you are ready to change.