Guest Blog – Spanked Children Hitting Back

JUST two smacks to your three-year-old can lead to a violent primary schooler, new international research has shown.

Infrequent use of spanking defined as one or two times a month doubled the risk of aggression in five-year-olds.

It is the first time research has shown increased aggression could not be explained away by other factors, such as high stress in the mother or maltreatment or neglect of the child.

Child psychologist Bob Montgomery has called for a public health campaign to cut out smacking.

Dr Montgomery believes this would lead to a reduction in schoolyard and street violence.

Prevention starts in the home and skills learnt from parenting programs such as the Triple P parenting course could alter lives, Dr Montgomery said.

Arthritis – Laser Treatment

For complete healing the core emotional and spiritual wound(s) that manifested as arthritis need to be healed on the cellular, subconscious and spiritual level. Also, food sensitivities/allergies and lack of minerals, vitamins and supplements need to be addressed. While the laser treatments reduce the swelling and drives the pain below the surface of the conscious mind; the emotional, cellular and spiritual core wound will remain and will resurface after a period of time. Therefore, it is imperative that emotional and spiritual healing are simultaneously administered rather than a wait and see philosophy as to what results the laser treatment will provide. Because in the short-term, Laser treatments will provide absence of pain and swelling, but not heal the cause of the arthritis.

Do You Over Indulge Your Child(ren) With Possessions and Things?

Do you wonder why you feel the urge to buy your child(ren) toys that they seldom play with or are soon bored with? When you take the time to question your propensity to give your child(ren) new toys and clothes frequently – weekly, biweekly or daily, you will find that you have an internal sense of lack. Thus, you are buying things for your child(ren) to fill up your own empty feelings and pain. If you feel yourself wanting to indulge your child with material possessions, take a moment and go within to see if you can sense where your motivation is truly coming from.