How Does Mental Health Contribute To Physical Health And Vice Versa?
Mental and physical health are deeply interconnected, and each can significantly impact the other. Here’s an overview of how they influence each other: Mental Health’s…
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Mental and physical health are deeply interconnected, and each can significantly impact the other. Here’s an overview of how they influence each other: Mental Health’s…
Would it be OK if I told you that whatever your symptoms or diagnoses are; there is a solution – natural mind, body, spirit process to transform the cause of your pain, not treating the symptoms or masking it. NO prescriptions, OTC drugs or body parts removed.
Forty million Americans reportedly have a sleeping disorder, yet, fewer than three percent are treated with 100% success. While many people receive Traditional Western Medical (TWM) treatment, the symptoms that TWM believes causes Sleep Apnea are only the most easily proven – restricted air passages – other possibilities are ignored.