Movement – Vital Celebration Of Life

Movement is a vital celebration of life. It is a way to claim your existence and relish in the joy of being alive and aware. Imagine how freeing it is to completely trust your body’s movements, knowing it has perfect strength and rhythm. Your body loves movement. When you stretch or dance, your body adjusts, realigns and starts to become fluid with the rhythm of life. When you move your mood lifts and you will feel more connected with the world around you.

Stress – Shift Your Inner Landscape

The first step in understanding the role stress plays in your life is to remember, stress is a perception. What one might perceive as a stressor another might not. Phone ringing, door slamming, heavy traffic or heavy work load can be stress for one person and not another. When your stressors are channeled properly, it can help push you toward your best outcome. However, if not channeled properly, a stressor can create havoc.

Inner Spiritual Guru

You have within you an inner spiritual guru. There is a part of you there in residence, right now. No matter how busy it is on the external part of your life – in the core and truth of your being, you already are in residence in the inner spiritual guru of total peace, wisdom, compassion, forgiveness and aliveness. In your core is where all answers are known, all peace is found and all rest is assured.