Where Are You In Your Life and Where Do You Want To Be?
Where Are You In Your Life and Where Do You Want To Be?
When someone comes to work with me, I ask, “Where are you in your life and where do you want to be? What do you think blocks your flow? What do you think you need to master to reach your goals?
People have an idea what is stopping them, but that is seldom what actually is stopping the flow. The expression, ‘You can’t see the trees for the forest,’ applies.
The majority of people are simply getting by without clearing the blocks that keep them from reaching their full potential. When the blocks are identified, we craft solutions based on each person’s goals, time and interests.
The Work Is Done On The Subconscious and Soul Level
The work is done on the subconscious and soul level where the root cause resides. There is often a little diffused voice in the background giving messages and pulling the strings (threads) of the past that sabotages the present. The most frequent messages are: unworthiness, shame, guilt, not good enough, what’s wrong with me or messages of futility. These messages are seldom only in this lifetime, however, one does not need to believe in Past Lives to resolve or release the block. ###
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD is an internationally recognized expert on bridging Science, Spirit and Human Potential with over 30+ years experience as a transformation facilitator, speaker, and educator in natural health and wellness; personal/professional development. She holds a PhD in Metaphysics. She is Founder/CEO of Genesis Consultants, Inc. Past President, International Association for Regression Research and Therapies, she serves on the board for Arizona Holistic Chamber of Commerce; Faculty Member for the World Regression Congress – Netherlands, India, Brazil, Turkey and Portugal 2014. https://drdorothy.net