La Raison d’ être – The Reason To Be

What is my purpose?’ has become a common question for people, who, are seeking to improve their lives. The majority of people believe a ‘purpose’ is their greatest calling and is the only, ‘La raison d’ être’ – The reason to be. [The reason for existence]. While one’s purpose is a reason to be, everything one does needs to be done with purpose in mind.

Greatness Within

Western society focuses on managing life based on education, logic, scientifically proven ideals, and history. Thus, children are conditioned, indoctrinated and instructed to manage life from that which is prescribed by scientific ideology and history. The operative word, ‘…from without,’ establishes a mind-set of being ‘without.’ Living life from within establishes a mind-set of going within, connecting to the core of your Being, and from this place activating the power within to reach your potential and goals in every area of your life.

Control Your Health and Wealth – What To Do

There is no source of poverty or a bad economy. However, you can restrict your natural birth right of abundance by buying into the fear monger’s hype – ‘The sky is falling. The economy is bad.’ If the economy is bad, then, why do many ‘power brokers,’ profit during a so-called bad economy?

There is no source of sickness, however, you are constricted from your natural birthright of well-being simply by buying into Western Medicine hype – the flu and colds descend on humans every September without fail. You can expect to have these diseases after age forty.

Emotional Buttons – Learn To Manage Them

Ironically, the button pusher might not be conscious of what he/she is doing. However, in the end the buttons others push belong to you. You are the one, who needs to deal with what comes up. The more you take responsibility for your feelings and reactions, the less the other person can push your buttons. You are in control – not the button pusher.