Hypnosis – Behavior Therapy – Psychoanalysis – What are the Differences?

‘What are the differences between Hypnosis, Behavior Therapy and Psychoanalysis?’ Unlike many theories and concepts there is no exact comparison between Hypnosis, Behavior Therapy and Psychoanalysis. This article will define each disciple and the results one can expect from each.

Are You Running From Your Emotional Distress?

Every phase of life contains moments of both joy and emotional distress regardless of who you are or how wealthy you are. Indeed, emotional distress is central to the human experience. What makes the difference in your heart and mind is how you handle these circumstances. You can go into denial, push them away or run from it, but, you can not get away from your emotions for long.

Animal and Creature Medicine

Medicine Cards – The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals is a book and a set of 52 beautifully designed animal cards. This divination system is based on the ancient Native American teachings and wisdom. The book and cards to facilitate the ancient teachings and wisdom was conceived in a vision. The power contained within the cards is real and pragmatic. I use animal and creature medicine for myself and clients. After twenty years of use I attest to the accuracy of the messages.