Co-Creating With Nature

A garden offers a perfect opportunity to reconnect to your true self and will remind you of your place in the natural world. Rather than approaching your garden as an investment of energy, you can look at the entire process of gardening, from planting seeds to harvesting food, as a way of deepening your conscious relationships with the creative force of the universe. If you are willing to shift your intentions from dominating, or directing nature, to co-creating with nature instead, you may discover a deep peace and renewed sense of wonderment.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat – Life Is But A Dream

Many gurus and philosophers agree with the mysterious observation, stating that the world we perceive as real is an illusion, like a film being projected onto the screen. More people than not, are caught up in the projection and fail to understand it for what it is – an illusion. They are completely caught up in the illusion, imagining that they are in a life and death struggle and taking it very seriously.

Conversely, the enlightened few live their lives in the light of awareness that

Hypnosis – Frequently Asked Questions

Hypnosis is a natural state of the mind that is between the aware state and sleep. Driving a route you are familiar with and not being conscious of every turn you make is similar to the hypnotic state. Hypnosis allows you to access your subconscious mind, which makes up 90% of your brain that stores all your memories. With hypnosis, you release, reframe and reprogram thought patterns and habits to make desirable, lasting change in your life.