Guest Blog – Court ruling isn’t a green light for parents to whack kids

Let’s be clear to parents who believe the courts just awarded them a freebie: Adults should stop hitting kids, no matter what judges or the spare-the-rod numskulls say. Those of us who were smacked around as children realize our lives would have been better without the welts. Prisons are filled with men and women who were beaten as children.

Americans are making progress. A report last year

Take A Second Look – Key Success Ingredient

When you find yourself standing at a crossroads, you will likely approach the quandary before you methodically. A common rationale for forging ahead methodically is the belief that there is no time to investigate alternate solutions or path. Yet, it is important to take a step back and review the way you have managed your success thus far.

Guest Blog – Psychiatric Disorders: The Face Behind the Billion Dollar Marketing Campaign

Twenty million children are labeled with “mental disorders” that are based solely on a checklist of behaviors. There are no brain scans, x-rays, genetic or blood tests that can prove they are mentally ill, yet these children are prescribed dangerous and life-threatening psychiatric drugs. Child drugging is a $4.8 billion-a-year industry.

Spiritual Myths

We live in an era in which misinformation travels around the world in seconds before truth has an opportunity to be determined. Prior to the advent of the Internet and instant communication among the masses simultaneously (Face Book, Twitter, etc.), people checked and rechecked facts before disseminating information. Given this fact it is important for each person to distinguish truth from misinformation, because if not, those who do not check will fall for anything and everything.