Hating The ‘Pretty People’ Sets-Up Self-Sabotage

Are you one of the many people, who hate skinny women, the muscle guys, the ‘pretty people’ or the ‘filthy rich’? You see them shopping, golfing, playing tennis and in restaurants. They seem to have the perfect life wearing designer clothes and a spring in their step. You manage to calm your anger by assuming they are egotistical jerks, and slow-witted beneath their superficial superior façade.

Your loathing compels you to avoid the gym, because, you cannot bear to be compared to their sleek figure or physique.

Manifest Your Desires – Tips To ‘Speed-Up’ The Process

Do you have a plan to create your desires? There are many basic principles on manifesting your desires. Set the goal, develop a plan, forge ahead; adjust as the progress unfolds and never give up. While these basics are tried and true, there are strategies one can add to the basic principles that enhance and some say, ‘speed-up,’ the success rate.

Manage Your Reactors In A Meltdown Situation

You might think radioactivity coming from a meltdown at a power plant or mushroom clouds spreads and kills faster than a cloud of fear coming from your mind that has forgotten the power source. Fear is a ‘lack attack.’ You fear the lack of something to meet the situation at hand. Your ego’s imagination takes a trip onto the ‘far side’, conjuring up a worst-cast scenario or maybe more than one. It plays out as a loud, unruly conversation in your head as if it has a life of its own.