I’m 17, I’ve had mental health issues since age 6, I’ve tried every form of therapy & medication
To make matters worse, I’m not pretty at all, and I’ve tried everything for that too. My school and home life is awful, and I…
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To make matters worse, I’m not pretty at all, and I’ve tried everything for that too. My school and home life is awful, and I…
The main source of mental health problems stems from trauma from infancy to adulthood. All mental, emotional, and physical negative symptoms, behavior, and diagnosis are…
The experience of most narcissistic abuse survivors is defined by anxiety, self-doubt, confusion, devastation, and loneliness. Because a narcissist’s manipulation tactics can rock every part…
Vicki Price, education director of Child Advocacy and Parenting Services, said she and her co-workers know they are making a difference in the lives of children whose parents seek CAPS assistance to learn new parenting skills.
Corporal punishment… the abhorrence continues By Sir Frank Peters New Nation, Dhaka, May 1, 2012 It has become abundantly clear that it’s not the pupils…