Are Your Emotions Sabotaging Your Life?

Do you often feel uneasy or skittish? The feeling of uneasiness or skittishness makes it difficult to respond consistently to what is going on around you. Your uneasiness or skittishness can prompt you to cry easily or perhaps sometimes seemingly small things could cause you to react irritably or angrily. You could warn those around you that you are feeling temperamental, though they probably already know that this is the case.

Know-It-All: Survival Strategy

No doubt you have encountered the ‘know-it-all.’ A person, who projects that she/he ‘knows-it-all’ is usually afraid of listening because she/he is afraid of anything new and so they do not allow any new information to come their way. She/he seems to know everything about anything that is brought up and tends to dominate the conversation. They feel uncomfortable with questions regarding their premise and seldom acknowledge if they are incorrect on a topic or concept.

‘I Am Sorry’ – Habit Or Appropriate Social Behavior?

Many people suffer with a need or compulsion to apologize for many things. On the one hand, apologizing is a social convention, that keeps interactions between people polite, and in that way it is helpful. On the other hand, if you apologize for everything, it is detrimental to your well-being and the other person(s).

Guest Blog – Psychiatric Disorders: The Face Behind the Billion Dollar Marketing Campaign

Twenty million children are labeled with “mental disorders” that are based solely on a checklist of behaviors. There are no brain scans, x-rays, genetic or blood tests that can prove they are mentally ill, yet these children are prescribed dangerous and life-threatening psychiatric drugs. Child drugging is a $4.8 billion-a-year industry.

Illuminate Your Future Self While Healing Your Past

Connecting first with your future illuminates what issues you need to heal in your past. You do not need to spend years re-hashing the same old history and wandering around wondering how your past is impacting you now. By looking at the ‘Future Self’ you can then see clearly what obstacles need to be resolved. Thus, you can go into your past with the love and power of your Future Self, to heal the past quickly, to transform it, so you can move ahead into your exciting future.

When your Future Self and you go back and find your “Inner Child” it immediately reveals to you events in your life that you aren’t aware of that are still ‘running you’ as an adult. You then learn to express, reframe and truly heal those events.