Charting Your Path To Meaning And Fulfillment

Entering into your spirituality is a private journey. Each of us is drawn to a different doorway to begin on our personal path to awakening to greater and greater experiences of who we truly are. Even though we are taught certain philosophies or beliefs as children, we still need to find our unique way of understanding and applying them in our lives.

Illuminate Your Future Self While Healing Your Past

Connecting first with your future illuminates what issues you need to heal in your past. You do not need to spend years re-hashing the same old history and wandering around wondering how your past is impacting you now. By looking at the ‘Future Self’ you can then see clearly what obstacles need to be resolved. Thus, you can go into your past with the love and power of your Future Self, to heal the past quickly, to transform it, so you can move ahead into your exciting future.

When your Future Self and you go back and find your “Inner Child” it immediately reveals to you events in your life that you aren’t aware of that are still ‘running you’ as an adult. You then learn to express, reframe and truly heal those events.

Hypnosis – The Facts

Hypnosis is a special form of communication to the subconscious mind where habits are established and memory is stored. Because the language of the subconscious mind is visual, the more detailed your image is of your goal, the faster your subconscious mind will create the changes you desire. Once your subconscious accepts a new idea, you automatically accept it at a conscious level.

Do Magical Cures and Mystical Interventions Work?

Many people have tarot card, astrology readings, psychics and/or hypnotherapists for post-hypnotic suggestions for weight loss, smoke cessation, anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive behaviors and the list goes on.

Magical cures and mystical interventions will give relief temporarily, but eventually the issue resurfaces, because the root cause that created the issue was not addressed. Finding the root cause takes you on a journey of self-discovery through your mind, body and spirit, whereby you can eliminate the need for band-aids, second opinions and empty promises.

Stress – Shift Your Inner Landscape

The first step in understanding the role stress plays in your life is to remember, stress is a perception. What one might perceive as a stressor another might not. Phone ringing, door slamming, heavy traffic or heavy work load can be stress for one person and not another. When your stressors are channeled properly, it can help push you toward your best outcome. However, if not channeled properly, a stressor can create havoc.