Inner Voice: Listen Up

There is a moment when you can make a decision to listen to that still, small voice within. The small voice is your highest authority, your greatest strength, your deepest peace and everything in the Universe.

You may realize that when you pay attention and follow your Inner Voice, life unfolds in a dramatically new way. Opportunities seem to present themselves with no forewarning and your possibilities expand.

‘I Am Sorry’ – Habit Or Appropriate Social Behavior?

Many people suffer with a need or compulsion to apologize for many things. On the one hand, apologizing is a social convention, that keeps interactions between people polite, and in that way it is helpful. On the other hand, if you apologize for everything, it is detrimental to your well-being and the other person(s).

Your Inner Being – Connect More Frequently Without Meditating

We aptly call ourselves, Human Beings. However, more often than not, we only focus on ‘doing.’ As we move more and more into a technology driven existence, we seem to be busier, albeit, we are accomplishing less, communicating less, connecting less, knowing each other less. Do you recognize the pattern? Are you sensing the pattern in your life? This article discusses how to have more connectedness.