Guest Blog: Corporal Punishment of Schoolchildren: Two Opposing Positions

You cite the problem of student-on-student violence. I agree. That’s a serious problem wherever it occurs: California, Georgia, anywhere. If we are to effectively deal with it, we should start with the root causes. Inevitably, children behave as well (or as badly) as they are treated. If we want them to learn to resolve their differences nonviolently, we as adults must model that behavior.

Addictive Personality – What Is It and What Causes It?

Society needs to take a hard look at what is created when thoughts and feelings are labeled an Addiction. Western/Allopathic theory and protocol fails to recognize symptoms are inexplicably within the person’s thoughts, feelings and actions. Every symptom can be more accurately defined as an expression of the person’s experiences, lifestyle, beliefs, indoctrination and conditioning.