What Antidepressants Are Used To Treat Fibromyalgia?
Antidepressants don’t treat anything. The toxic chemicals in antidepressants numb and distort perception to the degree you are fooled into believing you are recovering from…
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Antidepressants don’t treat anything. The toxic chemicals in antidepressants numb and distort perception to the degree you are fooled into believing you are recovering from…
Ana Hawk One health issue??? What health issue have I had that wasn’t settled holistically (without OTC and especially prescriptions) especially for Argus Dorothy M Nedderneyer Ana Hawk You…
Would it be OK if I told you that whatever your symptoms or diagnoses are; there is a solution – natural mind, body, spirit process to transform the cause of your pain, not treating the symptoms or masking it. NO prescriptions, OTC drugs or body parts removed.
Conflicting information about transforming from degenerative disease like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lupus, COPD, fibromyalgia, including every diagnosis from A to Z abounds.
Many people remark they have done all the tests, the examinations, diagnosing the symptoms that get a fancy label….. And all of this means having a label will bring the correct health care to ‘cure’ it. The results only leave you in the dark searching for an answer. A question that is consistently asked, ‘What is wrong with you?