Guest Blog: What Are The Hidden Dangers of Soy?

“The FDA is the culprit for the proliferation of soy, because it has allowed big agri-businesses who have been funding political campaigns for years to cut corners in their food production by using cheap fillers like soy, pesticides, herbicides and now, genetically modified foods,” Gregg said. “Many of these are the same agents the Environmental Protection Agency claims cause cancer. In fact, the EPA considers 60 percent of all herbicides, 90 percent of all fungicides and 30 percent of all insecticides carcinogenic. So why is the FDA allowing farmers to use them in our food? It’s time to safeguard our homes from these foods, and at the same time, demand the government stop giving big corporate farmers a free ride at the expense of our health.”

Guest Blog: How Are Genetically Engineered Crops Affecting Foods?

According to the Center for Food Safety, “a number of studies over the past decade have revealed that genetically engineered foods can pose serious risks to humans, domesticated animals, wildlife and the environment. Human health effects can include higher risks of toxicity, allergenicity, antibiotic resistance, immune-suppression and cancer. The use of genetic engineering in agriculture will lead to uncontrolled biological pollution, threatening numerous microbial, plant and animal species with extinction, and the potential contamination of all non-genetically engineered life forms with novel and possibly hazardous genetic material.”

Super Size Me – Child Obesity Epidemic

In the inaugural issue of a health magazine, which is dedicated to consumers with education supporting safe and healthy living; one article title grabbed my attention: Obesity Epidemic Confronting Our Youth.

While I agree child obesity is epidemic, the article title implies that obesity is a sinister monster lurking in the grocery store or the home environment diabolically grabbing innocent children; wrestling them to the ground and forcing junk food down their throats. Obesity is a family lifestyle – nothing more; nothing less. Children eat what their parents buy.

Vital Nutrition For Children

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, 80% of children do not eat the recommended number of servings of fruits and vegetables. This is no surprise. According to the CDCP only 14% of adults eat the daily recommended servings of fruit and vegetables. Parents have the fiduciary responsibility to maintain a healthy food plan for the family. Parents step up and do what is right for your child and yourself. It is easier than you think.