Decision Making – Have Fun

Decision making is the key to everything in your life – from brushing your teeth to becoming a millionaire – have fun doing it, rather than perceiving it as a chore or scary proposition. Remember change is constant. Therefore, do not hesitate to change what needs to be changed as you move toward manifesting your goal(s). These steps are merely guidelines and need to be modified or changed to meet your unique style or circumstance. Also, remember to shift, change or modify your strategy as the winds of your industry, focus or circumstances shift or change.

Guest Blog – June 2-4 Dallas Summit to End CP

Things are moving against corporal punishment of children:

Mark Ecko’s Unlimited Justice,

Paula Flowe’s The Hitting Stops Here!,

Stacey Patton’s Spare The Kids,

Editorials in major newsprint,
Television interviews,
Bills pending in states…
This is a pivotal moment. Join me at the Summit in Dallas!

Are Your Emotions Sabotaging Your Life?

Do you often feel uneasy or skittish? The feeling of uneasiness or skittishness makes it difficult to respond consistently to what is going on around you. Your uneasiness or skittishness can prompt you to cry easily or perhaps sometimes seemingly small things could cause you to react irritably or angrily. You could warn those around you that you are feeling temperamental, though they probably already know that this is the case.

Your Life Is Sculpted Moment-To-Moment

Your life is sculpted on a moment-to-moment basis. All your thoughts, the words you speak and the actions you take contribute to the complex quality and character of your unfolding world. Every action taken affects the whole as greatly as every ‘action not taken.’

It is simply impossible to be alive without making an impact on the world around you. When it comes to making the world a better place, what you choose not to do is just as important as what you choose to do.