Deep Healing Versus Treating Symptoms

The most effective protocol for all Mental/Emotional, Physical or Sexual dysfunctional symptoms is Deep Healing. Deep Healing is quite different from symptom removal. Symptom removal is the type of protocol offered by the medical profession. Symptoms are the focus and the goal is to numb, suppress or cut out the body part to make the symptoms go away.

Deep Healing Versus Treating Symptoms – Part II

The most effective protocol for all Mental/Emotional, Physical or Sexual dysfunctional symptoms is Deep Healing. Deep Healing is quite different from symptom removal. Symptom removal is the type of protocol offered by the medical profession. Symptoms are the focus and the goal is to numb, suppress or cut out the body part to make the symptoms go away.

Universal Laws and Sub Laws Are Interrelated

Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are all forms of energy. What we think, feel, say, and do in each moment comes back to us to create our reality. Energy moves in a circle, so what goes around comes around. The combined thoughts, feelings, words and actions of everyone on the planet creates our collective consciousness, it creates the world we see before us.

Reasons For Engaging In Past Life Recall

Past Life Recall is an easy, natural and risk-free method of emotional, physical and spiritual healing and self-improvement that every person can easily utilize. It has been effective in helping essentially every understood illness and disease and constantly produces an advantageous impact. Chakra balancing is another important aspect of Past Life Recall as it releases obstructions, and brings balance and positioning into the physique’s power.