Are You Running From Your Emotional Distress?

Every phase of life contains moments of both joy and emotional distress regardless of who you are or how wealthy you are. Indeed, emotional distress is central to the human experience. What makes the difference in your heart and mind is how you handle these circumstances. You can go into denial, push them away or run from it, but, you can not get away from your emotions for long.

Have You Wondered…’Why Are We Together?’

Have you ever wondered… “Why are we together?” “What is the hidden attraction?” “What is the reason we are in a relationship?” “Why do we irritate each other?” “Why can’t we just get along?” So many questions to ask and yet the answers seem illusive. The most challenging two questions are: “Why doesn’t he/she act like this or that?” “Why can’t I get through to him/her?” “If only she/he would___” Oh Happy Day. These questions are the big questions that are underneath all the other questions.

Under The Hood

There is significant evidence many people are more concerned about what is going on under their car hood than they are about the goings on in their psyche – poignantly true and tragic.

When you fail to engage in the deep, inner work of self-examination, you will miss the subtle cues that something is amiss. Furthermore, you will be unaware of the real substance of who you truly are.