What is 2012 Prophecy About?

Have you heard the talk about the world coming to an end in December 2012? Could it be that the idea of the world coming to an end was set to bring humans to a heightened level of awareness – thus the end of an era and the beginning of a new era? The idea of 2012 as the end of the world might be the Universe’s plan to give humans a wake up call, thus bringing humans into an enlightened era.

Inner Spiritual Guru

You have within you an inner spiritual guru. There is a part of you there in residence, right now. No matter how busy it is on the external part of your life – in the core and truth of your being, you already are in residence in the inner spiritual guru of total peace, wisdom, compassion, forgiveness and aliveness. In your core is where all answers are known, all peace is found and all rest is assured.