Use Your Imagination

You no doubt have heard the axiom, ‘Use your imagination.’ Imagination is the act or power of forming a mental image of what one wants to create or use to deal with an issue that needs to be resolved: resourcefulness. This common definition seems trite and uninspiring. To a large degree this is true, because, the reality is:

Learn To Manifest Your Dreams – Quickly and Easily

As the close of 2010 approaches does this axiom stir something in you?

‘Some people live 99 years, while others live one year 99 times.’

When you look at your life have you noticed that a year later, not much has changed?

For most people, the majority of their days (and their results) have mostly repeated themselves.

However, when I ask people if they want things to be different they say, ‘Absolutely!’

Are You Using ‘Will Power’ or The Power of the Universe?

Have you rowed a boat up stream – i.e. against the current? Rowing up stream is doable, but, it takes considerably more effort. Just like rowing up stream, working without aligning with the Universe’s current, it is doable, but, takes considerably more effort. When you work with the current, i.e. with the energy flow of the Universal Laws it is easier than working on your own.

Create The Mood You Desire

In the ever-expanding field of Metaphysics research reveals that you and I choose what mood we have on a minute by minute basis. Some people are influenced by the environment of the moment, the weather, and the moods of other people’s opinion. The research revealed that people who live in the deepest levels of personal satisfaction choose their own moods. It is an exercise, just like exercising a muscle.