Addictive Personality – What Is It and What Causes It?

Society needs to take a hard look at what is created when thoughts and feelings are labeled an Addiction. Western/Allopathic theory and protocol fails to recognize symptoms are inexplicably within the person’s thoughts, feelings and actions. Every symptom can be more accurately defined as an expression of the person’s experiences, lifestyle, beliefs, indoctrination and conditioning.

The Quality Of Questions We Ask Determines The Quality Of The Life We Live

A poignant, yet simple, life principle posits that, ‘The quality of questions we ask determines the quality of the life we live.’ Asking oneself questions is the vehicle to strengthen and create the depth and breadth of your life. What, Where, Who, When, Which, How are the salient questions to create the depth and breadth to make your life meaningful.

Your Beliefs Rule Your Life – What Do You Want To Believe?

The majority of people do not realize they are constantly reinforcing and being victimized by their beliefs. The beliefs you hold tell you what you can and can not do and what is right, wrong or true each moment. You can get lost in your beliefs that you only see the stories about ‘What was’ and ‘What might be.’