Words Secretly Sabotaging Your Life

If you talk myself into a dark corner in an empty room or if you convince yourself that no one, and I mean no one, would come to your rescue. It’s sad; it’s getting old, and it just doesn’t work for you anymore. You can change it without changing the core you.

With this in mind, you can choose to treat yourself with kindness and love. You can focus on how to overcome a bad habit gently. This builds your confidence to tackle the next habit and make healthy progress in your life.

Deep Healing Versus Treating Symptoms

The most effective protocol for all Mental/Emotional, Physical or Sexual dysfunctional symptoms is Deep Healing. Deep Healing is quite different from symptom removal. Symptom removal is the type of protocol offered by the medical profession. Symptoms are the focus and the goal is to numb, suppress or cut out the body part to make the symptoms go away.

How Feelings and Emotions Affect Your Health

When feelings and emotions have been pushed aside and left unprocessed; the Mind, Body and Spirit become overwhelmed with the energetic weight of them. In order to dispel some of the energetic weight, the Mind, Body and Spirit will manifest in unexplained aversions, self-sabotaging behaviors, destructive beliefs, phobias, PTSD, depression, Bi-polar and chronic physical problems from A to Z, which are diagnosed as genetic abnormalities, disease and dysfunction.