Steve Jobs Didn’t Have To Die of Pancreatic Cancer

Would it be OK if I told you there is a protocol that considers the natural cause of body dysfunctions, the reason (root cause) behind the development of tumors called cancer, and all other ‘sickness labels?’ Would it be OK if I told you many people have used this protocol and lived a natural healthy life beyond Western/Allopathic life expectancy? To begin, one needs to understand the fundamentals on how the body functions outside the confines of Western/ Allopathic protocol.

What Is My Purpose In Life?

The elation that accompanies any achievement, learning something important, or a breakthrough sometimes prompts people to feel let down. During this transition period some people feel unsure and seemingly are in limbo not knowing where to turn next. Many people during the period between achievements wonder; ‘What is my purpose in life?’ This is common for the majority of people, who bring these thoughts and feelings to the surface.

You Can Not Afford The Luxury Of A Pity Party

Victim thoughts and feelings prevent you from changing your circumstances or creating a sense of feeling better. When you have a frustrating or terrible experience, you need to have time to process your thoughts and feelings. It is important to avoid pretending that all is well. However, it is also important to notice when you are indulging in a pity party.

Manage Your Reactors In A Meltdown Situation

You might think radioactivity coming from a meltdown at a power plant or mushroom clouds spreads and kills faster than a cloud of fear coming from your mind that has forgotten the power source. Fear is a ‘lack attack.’ You fear the lack of something to meet the situation at hand. Your ego’s imagination takes a trip onto the ‘far side’, conjuring up a worst-cast scenario or maybe more than one. It plays out as a loud, unruly conversation in your head as if it has a life of its own.