Live Exactly As You Desire

When you wake up in the morning what is your first thought? Do you think of creating something wonderful or does the ‘To Do,’ list loom forebodingly? You can choose to live exactly as you desire, if you are interested.

Each single day is a miniature lifetime. Each moment you encounter in this day is a new moment to create something wonderful, something important, or simply completing the next step in a project or goal. The moments are yours to do with what you choose. What will you choose?

Turn A New Leaf

‘Turn a new leaf.” The leaf is a page. Turning a leaf is to begin anew, to begin fresh, to reform and begin again. You can choose to ‘turn a new leaf,’ you can begin again, fresh, to start behaving in a better way. The gift of a fresh start is available to everyone at any time when you choose to receive it. You deserve to claim yours.

Life Is A Series Of Steps – One Minute At A Time

The way you show up for yourself this minute, today, tomorrow and everyday thereafter has a huge affect on who you will be; what you will experience and accomplish years from now. When you remain fully engaged minute to minute, enjoying everything while putting your energy into making the most of it, you will discover that you are well prepared and capable of handling any circumstance you encounter.

Inner Voice: Listen Up

There is a moment when you can make a decision to listen to that still, small voice within. The small voice is your highest authority, your greatest strength, your deepest peace and everything in the Universe.

You may realize that when you pay attention and follow your Inner Voice, life unfolds in a dramatically new way. Opportunities seem to present themselves with no forewarning and your possibilities expand.