God Speaks To You at Your Level of Consciousness

The Universe speaks to you in the language you can understand – thus – some of the bumps in the road are the only way The Universe could get your attention. Therefore, when you encounter a bump in your life, whether, you are in a car crash, late for work, lose something or a tornado misses your house and flattens the neighbor’s house, you need to ask yourself the question – “What do I need to learn from this experience?” “What is the Universe telling me?” “What does the Universe want me to know.” Stay alert. You will soon know.

Align With The Universe’s Energy – Eleven Tips

When your intentions are aligned with the Universe’s energy; rather than a mere personal caprice or doing something on a whim, then you are working with the current of becoming. The expression, ‘Go with the flow,’ is the message from the Universal energies that prevail. This article sets forth eleven tips on aliging your energy with the Universe’s energy.