Enjoy Your Journey’s Sights
Coupled with hindsight and foresight you can have insight for your journey. The key is being mindful to pay attention to what is working within the deepest parts of your being.
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Coupled with hindsight and foresight you can have insight for your journey. The key is being mindful to pay attention to what is working within the deepest parts of your being.
Many people remark they have done all the tests, the examinations, diagnosing the symptoms that get a fancy label….. And all of this means having a label will bring the correct health care to ‘cure’ it. The results only leave you in the dark searching for an answer. A question that is consistently asked, ‘What is wrong with you?
Vicki Price, education director of Child Advocacy and Parenting Services, said she and her co-workers know they are making a difference in the lives of children whose parents seek CAPS assistance to learn new parenting skills.
While that question might seem silly or even ridiculous; let me assure you; it is a common phenomenon. When one explores their previous incarnations, one is following the linage of one’s soul while it moves in and out of body and earth experiences. This is, of course, different from tracing a person’s family tree.
The paradox lies in opposing concepts and perceptions, all of which are true at the same time other concepts and perceptions are operating. In the context of harmonizing the opposites, you begin to know the wonders of the spirit.