Managing Life’s Maze With Ease

• Where do I want to end up?
• What do I want to accomplish – short and long term?
• Where do I want to be in relationship with the important people in my life, with the earth, myself, my creative capacity?
• What legacy do I want to be remembered for?
• Where do I want to end up when I put my head on the pillow for the last time?

Pause now. Ponder where you want to end up in the important aspects of your life. When you know where you want to end up, it is a lot easier to find your way. This article sets forth the strategy to end up where you want to be.

Power of Praise

The majority of parents praise a child to encourage him/her to persevere to accomplish everything. Parents praise the child’s first smile, learning patty-cake, sitting up, scrawling and walking – then it is activities and school and the list goes on. The power of praise is more exquisite than one might think on the surface. Praise has been used through all history and all traditions. Praise is a common method to employ all sorts of good.

Create The Mood You Desire

In the ever-expanding field of Metaphysics research reveals that you and I choose what mood we have on a minute by minute basis. Some people are influenced by the environment of the moment, the weather, and the moods of other people’s opinion. The research revealed that people who live in the deepest levels of personal satisfaction choose their own moods. It is an exercise, just like exercising a muscle.

Connect With Your Real Self – Your Core

Have you noticed that some people are in touch with their feelings with ease? I am not referring to drama, hysterics or emotional games – ‘Poor me, ‘Ain’t it awful, Why me?, etc. I am referring to the deep connection with one’s core. The Self that is the ‘I am,” that is breathing you. It is the ‘I am’ that you are before you took on this human body and after you lay this body down for the last time.