Live Exactly As You Desire

When you wake up in the morning what is your first thought? Do you think of creating something wonderful or does the ‘To Do,’ list loom forebodingly? You can choose to live exactly as you desire, if you are interested.

Each single day is a miniature lifetime. Each moment you encounter in this day is a new moment to create something wonderful, something important, or simply completing the next step in a project or goal. The moments are yours to do with what you choose. What will you choose?

Happiness – Life Elixir

You have the capacity to be happy in an instant, like the flip of a switch or blink of your eye, a single thought can flip you into a moment of happiness. More often than not one can get caught up in the rigors of life and one tends to forget that happiness needs to be included. Seeing the irony of a situation can bring laughter, laughing at oneself or simply taking things less seriously. Happiness does not need to be scheduled, a steep climb or hard-won. Happiness does not need to be delayed until there is nothing pressing or of concern.

Have You Wondered…’Why Are We Together?’

Have you ever wondered… “Why are we together?” “What is the hidden attraction?” “What is the reason we are in a relationship?” “Why do we irritate each other?” “Why can’t we just get along?” So many questions to ask and yet the answers seem illusive. The most challenging two questions are: “Why doesn’t he/she act like this or that?” “Why can’t I get through to him/her?” “If only she/he would___” Oh Happy Day. These questions are the big questions that are underneath all the other questions.

Inner Voice: Listen Up

There is a moment when you can make a decision to listen to that still, small voice within. The small voice is your highest authority, your greatest strength, your deepest peace and everything in the Universe.

You may realize that when you pay attention and follow your Inner Voice, life unfolds in a dramatically new way. Opportunities seem to present themselves with no forewarning and your possibilities expand.