Life Is A Series Of Steps – One Minute At A Time

The way you show up for yourself this minute, today, tomorrow and everyday thereafter has a huge affect on who you will be; what you will experience and accomplish years from now. When you remain fully engaged minute to minute, enjoying everything while putting your energy into making the most of it, you will discover that you are well prepared and capable of handling any circumstance you encounter.

Inner Voice: Listen Up

There is a moment when you can make a decision to listen to that still, small voice within. The small voice is your highest authority, your greatest strength, your deepest peace and everything in the Universe.

You may realize that when you pay attention and follow your Inner Voice, life unfolds in a dramatically new way. Opportunities seem to present themselves with no forewarning and your possibilities expand.

Thought Or Thinking: Manage The Difference

Having a thought and the act of thinking are two different phenomenon. When you are thinking a thought, you are giving life to that vibration. Thoughts will come and go, but your thinking is held with decisive intention. Thoughts that are of cynicism, resentment or betrayal are optional. You have a choice and you have a right to say yes or no to these thoughts. What you thought has power over you has none without your permission. You create constantly through your thoughts you hold onto. Choose consciously what you are thinking about – your thoughts that you hold with decisive intention.

Decision Making – Have Fun

Decision making is the key to everything in your life – from brushing your teeth to becoming a millionaire – have fun doing it, rather than perceiving it as a chore or scary proposition. Remember change is constant. Therefore, do not hesitate to change what needs to be changed as you move toward manifesting your goal(s). These steps are merely guidelines and need to be modified or changed to meet your unique style or circumstance. Also, remember to shift, change or modify your strategy as the winds of your industry, focus or circumstances shift or change.